
产品 > 霍尼韦尔 Honeywell > 霍尼韦尔 RAE 仪器 > 霍尼韦尔 声光报警器 Honeywell Audible and Visual Alarms
霍尼韦尔 声光报警器 Honeywell Audible and Visual Alarms
产品名称 : 霍尼韦尔 声光报警器 Honeywell Audible and Visual Alarms
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34.1 Audible Alarms (SONF1)


 Audible Alarms (SONF1)  Part Number Description
HASAX 24Vdc safe area indoor/outdoor use audible alarm with red  housing. Nominal output 100dB(A) @ 1m, 10 alarm tones and 4 x M20 gland knockouts in side and back. Type Number: SONF1DC24R-WR


34.2 Visual Alarms (L101)


 Visual Alarms (L101)  Part Number Description

HASVXR 24Vdc safe area indoor/outdoor use visual alarm with red housing and red  lens.

150 candela output xenon strobe, 1 x M20 back knockout. Type Number: L101DC24RR-WR

HASVXA 24Vdc safe area indoor/outdoor use visual alarm with red housing and amber lens. 150 candela output xenon strobe, 1 x M20 back  knockout.

Type Number: L101DC24RA-WR

34.3 Combined Audible / Visual Alarms (SONFL1)


 Combined Audible / Visual Alarms (SONFL1)  Part Number Description

HASAVR 24Vdc safe area indoor/outdoor use audible/visual alarm with  red housing and red lens. Audible nominal output 100dB(A) @ 1m, 10 alarm tones and 150 candela output xenon strobe, mounting lugs and M20 knockouts in side and back. Type Number: SONFL1DC24RR-WR

HASAVA 24Vdc safe area indoor/outdoor use audible/visual alarm with red  housing and amber lens. Audible nominal output 100dB(A) @ 1m, 10 alarm tones and 150 candela output xenon strobe, mounting lugs and M20 knockouts in side and back. Type Number: SONFL1DC24RA-WR

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