
产品 > 霍尼韦尔 Honeywell > 霍尼韦尔 RAE 仪器 > 霍尼韦尔 多通道气体检测器 Honeywell Touchpoint Plus
霍尼韦尔 多通道气体检测器 Honeywell Touchpoint Plus
产品名称 : 霍尼韦尔 多通道气体检测器 Honeywell Touchpoint Plus
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Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 2x mA  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 2x mV  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 4x mA  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 4x mV  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mA  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mV  inputs,


including Master 1, Master 2 and Master Fault.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mA inputs,  24


programmable relays, and with battery  backup.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mV inputs,  24


programmable relays, and with battery  backup.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mA inputs,  24


programmable relays, and with 8x repeated mA  outputs.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mV inputs,  24


programmable relays, and with 8x repeated mA  outputs.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mA inputs,  24


programmable relays, 8x repeated mA outputs, and with battery  backup.


Touchpoint Plus base control unit for up to 8 channels with AC  supply


and wall mounted enclosure. Supplied complete with 8x mV inputs,  24


programmable relays, 8x repeated mA outputs, and with battery  backup.


TPPLOIBB Backup battery pack 

TPPLOWMB Wall Mounting Bracket 


TPPLOMGND Metal grounding for cable gland   

TPPLOGLD Cable glands (ea) 



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